This is NOT the official website of the Embassy of Vietnam, and the information presented is for reference purposes only.

Vietnam Embassy in Netherlands

This is a list of diplomatic missions of Vietnam in Netherlands with phone numbers, addresses and other contact information.

Map of Vietnam embassy and consulate in Netherlands
  • Javastraat 1, 2585 Aa The Hague, The Netherlands
  • Phone: +31 (0)70 364 8917
  • Working hours: Close now

How to apply

There are three ways available for travelers from Netherlands to apply for a visa to Vietnam.

Visa types for Dutch passports

Visa on arrival for NL citizens Yes
E-visa Yes
Visa price 50 EUR
Processing time Standard processing (5-7 working days) (12:30 March, 25 2025, Amsterdam time)

Netherlands upcoming holidays

The Vietnamese embassy in Netherlands may be closed on the following public holidays:

Holidays 2025 2026 2027
New Year's Day Wednesday, January 01
(Occurred 2 months, 1 week ago)
Thursday, January 01
(9 months, 3 weeks)
Friday, January 01
(1 year, 9 months)
Good Friday Friday, April 18
(1 month)
Friday, April 03
(1 year)
Friday, March 26
(2 years)
Easter Sunday Sunday, April 20
(1 month, 1 week)
Sunday, April 05
(1 year)
Sunday, March 28
(2 years)
Easter Monday Monday, April 21
(1 month, 1 week)
Monday, April 06
(1 year)
Monday, March 29
(2 years)
King's Birthday Saturday, April 26
(1 month, 1 week)
Monday, April 27
(1 year, 1 month)
Tuesday, April 27
(2 years, 1 month)
Liberation Day Monday, May 05
(1 month, 3 weeks)
Tuesday, May 05
(1 year, 1 month)
Wednesday, May 05
(2 years, 1 month)
Ascension Day Thursday, May 29
(2 months, 2 weeks)
Thursday, May 14
(1 year, 2 months)
Thursday, May 06
(2 years, 1 month)
Whit Sunday Sunday, June 08
(2 months, 3 weeks)
Sunday, May 24
(1 year, 2 months)
Sunday, May 16
(2 years, 2 months)
Whit Monday Monday, June 09
(2 months, 3 weeks)
Monday, May 25
(1 year, 2 months)
Monday, May 17
(2 years, 2 months)
Christmas Day Thursday, December 25
(9 months, 2 weeks)
Friday, December 25
(1 year, 9 months)
Saturday, December 25
(2 years, 9 months)
Second Day of Christmas Friday, December 26
(9 months, 2 weeks)
Saturday, December 26
(1 year, 9 months)
Sunday, December 26
(2 years, 9 months)

Useful information

Handy information for visitors traveling from Netherlands to Vietnam.

Travel information

Netherlands Vietnam Difference
Current time 22:48 13 March, 2025 (Amsterdam) 04:48 14 March, 2025 (Hanoi) -6 hours
Current weather 6°C ~ 43°F (Noordwijk) 25°C ~ 77°F (Hanoi) -19°C (0°F)
Travel time Amsterdam Hanoi 11 hours 5 minutes
Population 17,134,872 97,338,579 80,203,707

Distance and travel time

City Hanoi Ho Chi Minh city Da Nang
Aruba 16205km (10069mi) 17342km (10069mi) 16769km (10069mi)
Utrecht 8889km (5523mi) 9842km (5523mi) 9480km (5523mi)
Almere 8869km (5511mi) 9825km (5511mi) 9461km (5511mi)
Ommen 8789km (5461mi) 9744km (5461mi) 9380km (5461mi)
Noordwijk 8926km (5546mi) 9882km (5546mi) 9518km (5546mi)
Terneuzen 9004km (5595mi) 9952km (5595mi) 9594km (5595mi)
Venlo 8850km (5499mi) 9794km (5499mi) 9439km (5499mi)
Breda 8933km (5551mi) 9882km (5551mi) 9523km (5551mi)
Gelderland 8843km (5495mi) 9794km (5495mi) 9434km (5495mi)
Almelo 8782km (5457mi) 9735km (5457mi) 9373km (5457mi)
Hertogenbosch 8893km (5526mi) 9842km (5526mi) 9484km (5526mi)
Amsterdam 8892km (5525mi) 9849km (5525mi) 9484km (5525mi)
Raalte 8803km (5470mi) 9757km (5470mi) 9395km (5470mi)
Leiden 8926km (5546mi) 9881km (5546mi) 9518km (5546mi)
Rotterdam 8937km (5553mi) 9890km (5553mi) 9528km (5553mi)
Vlissingen 9015km (5602mi) 9965km (5602mi) 9606km (5602mi)
Eindhoven 8893km (5526mi) 9838km (5526mi) 9482km (5526mi)
Breukelen 8893km (5526mi) 9847km (5526mi) 9484km (5526mi)
Arnhem 8836km (5490mi) 9788km (5490mi) 9427km (5490mi)
Nijmegen 8853km (5501mi) 9802km (5501mi) 9443km (5501mi)
Maastricht 8902km (5531mi) 9841km (5531mi) 9490km (5531mi)
Groningen 8754km (5440mi) 9716km (5440mi) 9347km (5440mi)
The Hague 8942km (5556mi) 9897km (5556mi) 9534km (5556mi)
Den Haag 8942km (5556mi) 9897km (5556mi) 9534km (5556mi)
Middelburg 9010km (5599mi) 9961km (5599mi) 9601km (5599mi)
Friesland 8804km (5471mi) 9767km (5471mi) 9398km (5471mi)
Wolvega 8802km (5469mi) 9762km (5469mi) 9395km (5469mi)
Sint Michielsgestel 8892km (5525mi) 9841km (5525mi) 9483km (5525mi)
Curaçao 16289km (10122mi) 17421km (10122mi) 16872km (10122mi)
Hilversum 8880km (5518mi) 9835km (5518mi) 9472km (5518mi)

Cities in Netherlands

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Frequently asked questions

1. Are there any Vietnamese embassies or consulates in Netherlands?

Yes, Vietnam has diplomatic missions in Netherlands:

  • The Hague (Embassy)

2. Is the embassy of Vietnam in Netherlands currently open?

Please see the below for the current operating hours of each location:

  • The Hague (Closed at the moment)

Contact sales if you have additional questions.

Contact support if you already submitted your visa application on our website.

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(8.00 AM-16.00 PM, GMT+7, Whatsapp)
Fri Mar 14 2025, 04:48:25 (Hanoi)
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