This is NOT the official website of the Embassy of Vietnam, and the information presented is for reference purposes only.

Vietnam Embassy in Venezuela

This is a list of diplomatic missions of Vietnam in Venezuela with phone numbers, addresses and other contact information.

Map of Vietnam embassy and consulate in Venezuela
  • Quinta El Cigarral, 6Ta Avenida, Entre 8Va Y 9Na Transversal Altamira, Chacao 1060-025 D.F, Caracas, Venezuela
  • Phone: +58 212 635 7402​
  • Working hours: Close now
    (Open in 8 hours 51 minutes)

How to apply

There are three ways available for travelers from Venezuela to apply for a visa to Vietnam.

Visa types for Venezuelan passports

Visa on arrival for VE citizens Yes
E-visa Yes
Visa price 136,170,748 VEF
Processing time Standard processing (5-7 working days) (07:30 April, 04 2025, Caracas time)

Venezuela upcoming holidays

The Vietnamese embassy in Venezuela may be closed on the following public holidays:

Holidays 2025 2026 2027
New Year's Day Wednesday, January 01
(Occurred 2 months, 3 weeks ago)
Thursday, January 01
(9 months, 1 week)
Friday, January 01
(1 year, 9 months)
Carnival / Shrove Monday Monday, March 03
(Occurred 3 weeks, 2 days ago)
Monday, February 16
(10 months, 3 weeks)
Monday, February 08
(1 year, 10 months)
Carnival / Shrove Tuesday Tuesday, March 04
(Occurred 3 weeks, 1 day ago)
Tuesday, February 17
(10 months, 3 weeks)
Tuesday, February 09
(1 year, 10 months)
Maundy Thursday Thursday, April 17
(3 weeks)
Thursday, April 02
(1 year)
Thursday, March 25
(1 year, 12 months)
Good Friday Friday, April 18
(3 weeks, 1 day)
Friday, April 03
(1 year)
Friday, March 26
(1 year, 12 months)
Declaration of Independence Saturday, April 19
(3 weeks, 2 days)
Sunday, April 19
(1 year)
Monday, April 19
(2 years)
Labor Day / May Day Thursday, May 01
(1 month)
Friday, May 01
(1 year, 1 month)
Saturday, May 01
(2 years, 1 month)
Carabobo Battle Tuesday, June 24
(2 months, 4 weeks)
Wednesday, June 24
(1 year, 2 months)
Thursday, June 24
(2 years, 2 months)
Independence Day Saturday, July 05
(3 months, 1 week)
Sunday, July 05
(1 year, 3 months)
Monday, July 05
(2 years, 3 months)
Simón Bolívar's Birthday Thursday, July 24
(3 months, 4 weeks)
Friday, July 24
(1 year, 3 months)
Saturday, July 24
(2 years, 3 months)
Indigenous Resistance's Day Sunday, October 12
(6 months, 2 weeks)
Monday, October 12
(1 year, 6 months)
Tuesday, October 12
(2 years, 6 months)
All Saints Day Saturday, November 01
(7 months, 1 week)
Sunday, November 01
(1 year, 7 months)
Monday, November 01
(2 years, 7 months)
Christmas Eve Wednesday, December 24
(9 months)
Thursday, December 24
(1 year, 9 months)
Friday, December 24
(2 years, 9 months)
Christmas Day Thursday, December 25
(9 months)
Friday, December 25
(1 year, 9 months)
Saturday, December 25
(2 years, 9 months)
New Year's Eve Wednesday, December 31
(9 months, 1 week)
Thursday, December 31
(1 year, 9 months)
Friday, December 31
(2 years, 9 months)

Useful information

Handy information for visitors traveling from Venezuela to Vietnam.

Travel information

Venezuela Vietnam Difference
Current time 00:09 26 March, 2025 (Caracas) 11:09 26 March, 2025 (Hanoi) -11 hours
Current weather 36°C ~ 97°F (Puerto Ayacucho) 26°C ~ 79°F (Hanoi) 10°C (0°F)
Travel time Caracas Hanoi 20 hours 18 minutes
Population 28,435,940 97,338,579 68,902,639

Distance and travel time

City Hanoi Ho Chi Minh city Da Nang
Maturin 16394km (10187mi) 17472km (10187mi) 16999km (10187mi)
Porlamar 16291km (10123mi) 17383km (10123mi) 16894km (10123mi)
Ciudad Ojeda 16530km (10271mi) 17667km (10271mi) 17097km (10271mi)
Barinas 16694km (10373mi) 17828km (10373mi) 17270km (10373mi)
Caracas 16426km (10207mi) 17544km (10207mi) 17019km (10207mi)
San Juan de Los Morros 16499km (10252mi) 17619km (10252mi) 17091km (10252mi)
Puerto Ordaz 16532km (10273mi) 17597km (10273mi) 17139km (10273mi)
San Antonio del Tachira 16804km (10442mi) 17941km (10442mi) 17363km (10442mi)
Margarita 16671km (10359mi) 17697km (10359mi) 17278km (10359mi)
San Fernando de Atabapo 17141km (10651mi) 18250km (10651mi) 17737km (10651mi)
San Carlos del Zulia 16670km (10358mi) 17807km (10358mi) 17233km (10358mi)
Matanzas 15062km (9359mi) 16157km (9359mi) 15554km (9359mi)
Stan Zulia 16529km (10271mi) 17666km (10271mi) 17090km (10271mi)
Cumana 16355km (10163mi) 17449km (10163mi) 16958km (10163mi)
Cabimas 16513km (10261mi) 17650km (10261mi) 17080km (10261mi)
San Cristobal 16809km (10444mi) 17945km (10444mi) 17369km (10444mi)
Valera 16621km (10328mi) 17756km (10328mi) 17194km (10328mi)
Ciudad Bolivar 16577km (10300mi) 17651km (10300mi) 17182km (10300mi)
Merida 16711km (10384mi) 17847km (10384mi) 17280km (10384mi)
Coro 16379km (10177mi) 17513km (10177mi) 16957km (10177mi)
Barquisimeto 16522km (10266mi) 17654km (10266mi) 17103km (10266mi)
Puerto la Cruz 16394km (10186mi) 17491km (10186mi) 16995km (10186mi)
Punto Fijo 16353km (10161mi) 17488km (10161mi) 16927km (10161mi)
La Guaira 16415km (10200mi) 17534km (10200mi) 17009km (10200mi)
Maracay 16469km (10233mi) 17591km (10233mi) 17059km (10233mi)
Puerto Cabello 16454km (10224mi) 17580km (10224mi) 17041km (10224mi)
Los Teques 16445km (10218mi) 17564km (10218mi) 17038km (10218mi)
Machiques 16557km (10288mi) 17694km (10288mi) 17115km (10288mi)
Ciudad Guayana 16520km (10265mi) 17583km (10265mi) 17126km (10265mi)
Valencia 16489km (10246mi) 17614km (10246mi) 17077km (10246mi)

Cities in Venezuela

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Frequently asked questions

1. Are there any Vietnamese embassies or consulates in Venezuela?

Yes, Vietnam has diplomatic missions in Venezuela:

  • Caracas (Embassy)

2. Is the embassy of Vietnam in Venezuela currently open?

Please see the below for the current operating hours of each location:

  • Caracas (Closed at the moment, but will open in 8 hours 51 minutes.)

Contact sales if you have additional questions.

Contact support if you already submitted your visa application on our website.

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(8.00 AM-16.00 PM, GMT+7, Whatsapp)
Wed Mar 26 2025, 11:09:21 (Hanoi)
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