This is NOT the official website of the Embassy of Vietnam in Washington , the information is presented for reference purposes only.

Vietnam Embassy in Washington

Comprehensive information about the Embassy of Vietnam in Washington, including its address, phone number, email, website, and operating hours.

Map of Vietnam embassy in Washington

Embassy Information

Address: 1233 20Th Street, Nw, Suite 400, Washington, Dc 20036
Phone: (202) 861-0737
Fax: (202) 861-0917
Email: vanphong​
Distance from city center: 0.79 km ( 0.49 miles)
Nearest airport: Ronald Reagan National Airport (DCA)
Distance to airport: 5.91 km

Office Hours

Date Operating hours Notes
Today (Saturday, September 07, 2024) Closed
Sunday (September 08, 2024) Closed
Monday (September 09, 2024) 10:00 - 12:00 - 14:00 - 17:00
Tuesday (September 10, 2024) 10:00 - 12:00 - 14:00 - 17:00
Wednesday (September 11, 2024) 10:00 - 12:00 - 14:00 - 17:00
Thursday (September 12, 2024) 10:00 - 12:00 - 14:00 - 17:00
Friday (September 13, 2024) 10:00 - 12:00 - 14:00 - 17:00

Note: The embassy of Vietnam in Washington may close on Monday, October 14, 2024 for Columbus Day (Next 1 month)

How to apply

There are three ways available for travelers from Washington to apply for a visa to Vietnam.

Useful information

Practical travel tips for visiting Vietnam from Washington:

Travel information

Washington Ho Chi Minh City Difference
Current time 18:40 07 September, 2024 08:40 08 September, 2024 -14 hours
September weather averages 6°C ~ 43°F 32°C ~ 89°F -26°C (-15°F)

Compare weather between Washington and Vietnam

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  • Ho Chi Minh City
  • Da Nang
  • Hai Phong
  • Hanoi
City Description Temperature Humidity Sunrise Sunset
Washington Light Rain 22°C (72°F) 59% 17:42 PM 06:29 AM
Ho Chi Minh City Light Rain 32°C (90°F) 57%
05:43 AM 17:58 PM

Distance and travel time

City (From Washington) Distance Travel time
Ho Chi Minh City 14473km (8993mi) 16 hours 38 minutes
Da Nang 13881km (8625mi) 15 hours 57 minutes
Hai Phong 13363km (8303mi) 15 hours 21 minutes
Hanoi 13340km (8289mi) 15 hours 20 minutes
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Questions and Answers (02)

Ask your question
Contact Information
Pete Belliston
United States

I am a USA citizen planning a cruise that includes 4 stops in Viet Nam: Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, Da Nang, and Halong Bay. I'm totally confused about a Visa for Viet Nam. I've read about Evisas, i-Visas, Tourist Visas, and Loose Leaf Visas. An Evisa seems to be a good option for all ports except Halong Bay which is not on the list of where it is accepted. Does it go by another name on the list? A loose Leaf Visa also seems to be a good option but I'd like to be assured it will be accepted and at what price before leaving. Is it possible to get a Loose Leaf Visa on line and pay for it before leaving home?

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Marc Wilson
United States

I will be visiting Vietnam in Jan 2024 via a cruise. We will be stopping at four ports consequently in Vietnam. Before accomplishing the E-VISA I wanted to check to see if I need a single or multi-entry E-VISA. From what I’ve read I’d only need a single entry visa since we are going from one port to another in Vietnam without a break or going to another country. Just wanted to verify this before submitting the application. Thanks Marc Wilson

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A Answered by Lan

@Marc Wilson, Yes, if you visit all ports on a single trip, you just need a single-entry visa. However, we also advise that you contact your cruise operator for confirmation on this matter.


Frequently asked questions

1. Are there any diplomatic missions of Vietnam in Washington?

Yes, the embassy of Vietnam is located at 1233 20Th Street, Nw, Suite 400, Washington, Dc 20036.

2. Is the embassy of Vietnam in Washington currently open?

No, the embassy of Vietnam is close right now.

Contact sales if you have additional questions.

Contact support if you already submitted your visa application on our website.

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