This is NOT the official website of the Embassy of Vietnam, and the information presented is for reference purposes only.
Vietnam Embassy in Laos
This is a list of diplomatic missions of Vietnam in Laos with phone numbers, addresses and other contact information.
- No 31 Phabat, Paksé, Champasak, Laos
- Phone: (00 856) 31212827
- Working hours:
Close now
(Open in 8 hours 29 minutes)
- No 85, 23 Singha Road, Ban Phonxay, Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital
- Phone: + 856 21451990 Or +856 21413403
- Working hours:
Close now
(Open in 8 hours 29 minutes)
- Santyphap Road, Group 38, Phonxavangtay Vilage, Kaysonephomvihan City, Savannakhet Province, Lao P.D.R
- Phone: (856) 41 212418
- Working hours:
Close now
(Open in 8 hours 29 minutes)
- No. 15/Ii, Watthat Village, Phothixalat Road, Luangprabang Town, Luangprabang Province, Laos.
- Phone: (856 - 71) 254747
- Working hours:
Close now
(Open in 8 hours 29 minutes)
How to apply
There are three ways available for travelers from Laos to apply for a visa to Vietnam.

Visa types for Lao passports
Visa on arrival for LA citizens | Yes |
E-visa | No |
Visa price | 951,729 LAK |
Processing time | Standard processing (5-7 working days) (18:30 April, 10 2025, Vientiane time) |
Laos upcoming holidays
The Vietnamese embassy in Laos may be closed on the following public holidays:
Holidays | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 |
New Year's Day |
Wednesday, January 01
(Occurred 3 months ago) |
Thursday, January 01
(9 months) |
Friday, January 01
(1 year, 9 months) |
International Women's Day (Women Only) |
Saturday, March 08
(Occurred 3 weeks, 3 days ago) |
Sunday, March 08
(11 months, 1 week) |
Monday, March 08
(1 year, 11 months) |
Labor Day / May Day |
Thursday, May 01
(4 weeks, 1 day) |
Friday, May 01
(1 year) |
Saturday, May 01
(2 years) |
National Day |
Tuesday, December 02
(8 months) |
Wednesday, December 02
(1 year, 8 months) |
Thursday, December 02
(2 years, 8 months) |
Useful information
Handy information for visitors traveling from Laos to Vietnam.
Travel information
Laos | Vietnam | Difference | |
Current time | 00:31 01 April, 2025 (Vientiane) | 00:31 01 April, 2025 (Hanoi) | 0 |
Current weather | 38°C ~ 100°F (Luang Prabang) | 17°C ~ 63°F (Hanoi) | 21°C (0°F) |
Travel time | Vientiane | Hanoi | 1 hours 1 minutes |
Population | 7,275,560 | 97,338,579 | 90,063,019 |
Distance and travel time
City | Hanoi | Ho Chi Minh city | Da Nang |
Luang Prabang | 408km (253mi) | 1114km (253mi) | 769km (253mi) |
Savannakhet | 512km (318mi) | 667km (318mi) | 372km (318mi) |
Pakse | 658km (409mi) | 484km (409mi) | 278km (409mi) |
Vientiane | 483km (300mi) | 904km (300mi) | 633km (300mi) |
Cities in Laos
Questions and Answers (0)
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Frequently asked questions
1. Are there any Vietnamese embassies or consulates in Laos?
Yes, Vietnam has diplomatic missions in Laos:
- Pakse (Consulate General)
- Vientiane (Embassy)
- Savannakhet (Consulate General)
- Luang Prabang (Consulate General)
2. Is the embassy of Vietnam in Laos currently open?
Please see the below for the current operating hours of each location:
- Pakse (Closed at the moment, but will open in 8 hours 29 minutes.)
- Vientiane (Closed at the moment, but will open in 8 hours 29 minutes.)
- Savannakhet (Closed at the moment, but will open in 8 hours 29 minutes.)
- Luang Prabang (Closed at the moment, but will open in 8 hours 29 minutes.)
Contact sales if you have additional questions.
Contact support if you already submitted your visa application on our website.
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