Vietnam embassies and consulates near Puerto Rico
There is currently no Vietnamese embassies or consulates in Puerto Rico, please find the information below for the nearest diplomatic missions of Vietnam.
Nearest Vietnam diplomatic represenations to Puerto Rico
Country | Distance | Address detail |
Caracas, Venezuela |
889 km (552 miles) |
The Embassy of Vietnam in Caracas, Venezuela
Havana, Cuba |
1772 km (1101 miles) |
The Embassy of Vietnam in Havana, Cuba
Panama City, Panama |
1790 km (1112 miles) |
The Embassy of Vietnam in Panama City, Panama
Washington, United States |
2506 km (1557 miles) |
The Embassy of Vietnam in Washington, United States
New York, United States |
2589 km (1609 miles) |
The Consulate of Vietnam in New York, United States
How to apply
There are three ways available for travelers from Puerto Rico to apply for a visa to Vietnam.

Visa types for Puerto Rican passports
Visa on arrival for PR citizens | Yes |
E-visa | No |
Visa price | 55 USD |
Processing time | Standard processing (5-7 working days) (07:30 March, 25 2025, San Juan time) |
Puerto Rico upcoming holidays
The Vietnamese embassy in Puerto Rico may be closed on the following public holidays:
Holidays | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 |
New Year's Day |
Wednesday, January 01
(Occurred 2 months, 1 week ago) |
Thursday, January 01
(9 months, 3 weeks) |
Friday, January 01
(1 year, 9 months) |
Epiphany |
Monday, January 06
(Occurred 2 months, 1 week ago) |
Tuesday, January 06
(9 months, 3 weeks) |
Wednesday, January 06
(1 year, 9 months) |
Good Friday |
Friday, April 18
(1 month) |
Friday, April 03
(1 year) |
Friday, March 26
(2 years) |
Mothers' Day |
Sunday, May 11
(1 month, 3 weeks) |
Sunday, May 10
(1 year, 1 month) |
Sunday, May 09
(2 years, 1 month) |
Fathers' Day |
Sunday, June 15
(3 months) |
Sunday, June 21
(1 year, 3 months) |
Sunday, June 20
(2 years, 3 months) |
Thanksgiving Day |
Thursday, November 27
(8 months, 2 weeks) |
Thursday, November 26
(1 year, 8 months) |
Thursday, November 25
(2 years, 8 months) |
Christmas Day |
Thursday, December 25
(9 months, 2 weeks) |
Friday, December 25
(1 year, 9 months) |
Saturday, December 25
(2 years, 9 months) |
Useful information
Handy information for visitors traveling from Puerto Rico to Vietnam.
Travel information
Puerto Rico | Vietnam | Difference | |
Current time | 01:16 14 March, 2025 (San Juan) | 12:16 14 March, 2025 (Hanoi) | -11 hours |
Current weather | 25°C ~ 77°F (San Juan) | 25°C ~ 77°F (Hanoi) | 0°C (0°F) |
Travel time | San Juan | Hanoi | 18 hours 47 minutes |
Population | 2,860,853 | 97,338,579 | 94,477,726 |
Distance and travel time
City | Hanoi | Ho Chi Minh city | Da Nang |
San Juan | 15546km (9660mi) | 16671km (9660mi) | 16137km (9660mi) |
Mayaguez | 15595km (9690mi) | 16724km (9690mi) | 16181km (9690mi) |
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Contact support if you already submitted your visa application on our website.
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